Biyernes, Marso 14, 2014

Pig Slaughtering

Pig Slaughtering

                We went to Trece Martires City to observe and study how a pig is slaughtered. The proper procedure of killing and proper way of slaughtering the pig. This is under our subject Agsc6 which is agricultural science slaughtering of animals. This is also under our curriculum and Madam Nora Cabaral who is our professor came with us and lectures us on how the pig is slaughtered and the step by step procedure of slaughtering. She also told us what are the materials used in slaughter house the machineries and the area which an animal is slaughtered. Now we will star the step by step procedure of slaughtering swine. First the swine is the area which is called the “lairaging area” or “fasting area” that is the area where are the pigs are fasted for the meats quality. Then after the pig is ready and it is pushed in the chute, the chute is the area which is the way into to the stunning box. Stunning box is the area where the pig is killed by hitting in the head by pipe. When the pig is stunned the next area is the bleeding area where the blood of the pig is collected and the blood of the swine can also be sold. And the famous delicacy of the blood is dinuguan. Then when the bleeding is done the dead body of the pig is placed in a “scalding bath” this is the spot where the swine is soaked with hot water for the easy removal of the hair of the swine. When the bathing is done the dead body of the swine is placed in the dehairing are where the hair of the pig is removed by scrubbing with the knife. Then after the deharing is done the swine is hanged in the gamble and it is called gambrelling and it is the process hanging carcasses by the legs using gambrels. While it is hanged “evisceration” is done this is the removal of organs of the swine. And after the organs are removed “Offal Cleaning” is being done and this is the process of cleaning the offal this is done because offal can also sell and have value in the market. You can remove the head or not this is optional. Then the body of the swine undergo splitting and this is the process of cutting the body of the pig into two equal parts. When it is done It weighed this is done prior for marketing and the last par of the slaughtering swine/pig the branding is done the brand is stomped on the carcass of the pig, symbolizes that meat had inspected and passed. And it also prevent from smuggling.

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