Coconut diseases
The number one supplier of coconut is the
Philippines for about seventy percent (70%) aggregate the worlds export. The
total area planted to coconut is about 3.1 million hectares. However, annual
nut production has decreased. This decline in coconut production and
productivity is attributed to several constraints, such as unfavourable
environmental factors, improper cultural practices, inferior planting materials
and unfavourable socioeconomic conditions. Disease of coconut the cadang-cadang
its symptoms are minute yellow spots appear on the leaflets which are
water-soaked and olivaceous, turning the lower two-thirds of the crown yellow
to bronze. The spots enlarge and coalesce, forming streaks parallel to the leaf
veins. Young leaves in the center of the crown become shorter and more
upright. The lower fronds fall off faster than the formation of new fronds
thus, reducing the crown to a tuff of new upright leaves. The ways how to
control it is to cut and burn infected parts. Then replace them with seedlings
grown from nuts produced by survivor palms in infected areas or from
early-bearing dwarfs and hybrids. The Socorro Wilt its symptoms include
premature senescence of the foliage starting from the oldest to the youngest
fronds. Premature nutfall to eventual
cessation of reproductive growth, root rot, as well as the seemingly
partially-dehydrated appearance of the trunk portion just below the crown. Socorro wilt kills affected palms within three
to seven months from the appearance of initial symptoms. And the ways how to
control it are cut and burn diseased palms immediately to reduce sources of
infection. Search for disease- resistant or tolerant coconut cultivars/hybrids
is also being done. Next is the
Stem Bleeding its symptoms infected palm may be detected by the
exudation or oozing out of a reddish-brown fluid from cracks in any portion of
the trunk. Upon drying, the color of the oozed substance changes from dark
brown to almost black. Tissues adjacent or underneath the bleeding portion of
the trunk become yellowish and rotten. To control stem bleeding is to chisel
out the infected tissues including about 5 cm of the healthy portion. The
chisel should be flamed first before each thrust to prevent the instrument from
carrying an infectious load of inoculum. The cut should be as smooth as
possible to avoid accumulation of the plant sap. Dress the exposed areas with
hot tar or copper sulphate-lime paste. Spray copper fungicide at 3 tbsp/4.5 liters
water. Next disease is Dry Bud Rot symptoms it is characterized by the
dry rotting of the growing point without emitting foul odor. The cause of the
disease is still unknown. The way to control it is to isolate and burn infected
seedlings immediately. The Dry Frond Rot its symptoms is infection may
start at any mid-portion of the rachis of a diseased frond. At first, spots are noticeable as small
pin-pricked lesions with diminished yellow haloes after which they advance and
become brown. Lesions appear to have no distinct concentric brown zones
developing into more or less oblong shapes with varying sizes. Under
favourable conditions, the spots coalesce and form dead areas or blight of the
frond in which case the rachis eventually dries up causing premature senescence
of affected fronds. To control the Dry Frond is to phytosanitation and cultural
management should be practiced on reported diseased areas. Copper fungicides,
dithiocarbamate, and chlorothalonil may be effective. Leaf Spots its symptoms
are the leaf spot caused by P. Palmarum are small, yellowish-brown, circular lesions
which later turn brown with gray centers. As the spots enlarge, adjacent ones
coalesce, forming larger lesions. The tips and margins of infected leaflets dry
up, giving the leaf a blighted
appearance. On the other hand, Helminthosporium sp. causes small, brown,
sunken, necrotic lesions which enlarge and coalesce, resulting in the drying up
of severely infected leaflets. The fungus is transferred to healthy plants by
wind, water splashes, insects, or by mechanical means.
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